Also from October 2022. There are two well-known large bird effigy sites in Georgia: Rock Eagle and Rock Hawk (aka Little Rock Eagle). Archaeologists generally agree that each was built sometime between 1000 BCE and 1000 AD by Woodland cultural period prehistoric indians.
Rock Eagle is the much better preserved/refurbished (?) of the two and is a 10 ft high mound of quartz and quartzite stones approximately 100 ft by 120 ft.
Rock Hawk is roughly the same dimensions but more damaged, to the extent that you would have to use your imagination to envision a bird motif let alone a hawk. The damage is in part due to older archaeological digging/trenching methods, which were not as attentive to site preservation as they are today. The two sites are ~13 miles apart. Observation towers allow elevated viewing opportunities.
Rock Eagle
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