As part of retirement, I enjoy trail and off-trail walking, both for physical exercise and photo opportunities. Primarily in New England, but also the mid-west and deep south.
As such, I have amassed many images and videos of often remote sites over the past 5 to 10 yrs, including structures of "euro-american" and possibly native american interest. These include but are not limited to stone structures, earthworks, cellar holes, and even abandoned farm equipment. Most of these images I have not shared widely. However, I am not getting any younger, as the saying goes, and my thinking is it would be a shame to not share some of this content while I still can.
I'm not a creative writer or even a blogger, so I'll mostly leave it to others to interpret the content as they wish. My descriptions are therefore minimal and I prefer to let the images speak for themselves. In some cases, I've posted videos with some narration.
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All content in this blog subject to copyright, 2023 - William Downing.